Our Moon
The Moon is a part of Earth, and it shapes all of the other things that make our planet special, from its geology to its multitudes of life. Earth would be a very different planet without our Moon, and so would we. The Moon is much more than the reason we have total solar eclipses. These occur because of an incredible cosmic coincidence, which causes the Moon and Sun to appear the same size in the sky - and this powerful alignment is one reason why the Moon has been so important throughout humanity's cultural evolution. The Moon has been involved in every giant leap humans have made as a species, from the origins of life itself to our capacity to understand ourselves in the broader universe. This presentation will walk the audience through the spectacular history of our relationship to our Moon, based on Rebecca Boyle's new book, Our Moon: How Earth's Celestial Companion Transformed the Planet, Guided Evolution, and Made Us Who We Are. ‍