LD Deutsch

Writer and Philosopher

LD Deutsch is a writer based in Los Angeles. Her work focuses on time, consciousness, technology, mythology and the natures and narratives of reality. She received her MA in Religious Studies from UC Santa Barbara, where she concentrated on the contested territories between scientific and religious thinking (most particularly the science of consciousness and the perplexing space that lies between physical-scientific models of time and the human experience of time’s linear flow). Her works have been published by Sacred Bones Books, Anthology Books, Nautilus, Cixous72 and Mundus Press. She has presented lectures at Pioneer Works, The Philosophical Research Society, The Knockdown Center, TV Eye, Zebulon Café and The Sonic Art Research Unit at Oxford Brookes University. Her forthcoming collection of essays will be published by Sacred Bones Books in Spring 2025.

About The presentation

Myths + Models of Time & Timelessness

Time is perhaps reality’s greatest mystery. On one hand, time is a puzzling enigma that eludes all attempts at total comprehension. On the other hand, time is the most familiar thing in the world. The apparent reality of time’s forward, linear flow is so fundamental to the human experience that it often feels synonymous with consciousness itself. Yet, our current scientific models of time, and what those models suggest about the organization of the physical universe, require us to consider the experiential flow of time an “illusion.” It is this chasm between these two incompatible truths that makes the study of time a dynamic, inexhaustible playground for some of life’s greatest attempts at self-definition. 

This talk takes place in that playground. We will first explore historic and modern scientific and Western philosophical perspectives on time, juxtaposing these views with Greek mythological and Chinese mythological and philosophical perspectives on time, and a striking relationship will be revealed. We will then use the conversation between these differing approaches to time to investigate the phenomena of synchronicity as defined by Carl Jung and the physicist Wolfgang Pauli during their lengthy correspondence. What will hopefully emerge from this exchange between science and the humanities is new insight into the nature of time, and how the ways in which our interpretation of time’s phenomena impacts the phenomena themselves. 

Saturday, April 6th